Definition: It is a management body within the ESSnuSB project. It is composed of 5 coordinators and its main task is to ensure the global coherence of the Design Study through continuous monitoring of the work and planning of all tasks, updating of reports and analysis of the results achieved during the implementation of the work. One of its roles is to early detect delays mainly concerning the deliverables and emit warnings.
Scientific Leader: | Tord Ekelof (UU, SE) |
Project Coordinator: | Marcos Dracos (CNRS, FR) |
Technical Advisor: | Ilias Efthyiopoulos (CERN, CH) |
Work Package Coordinators: | |
WP2: | Mamad Eshraqi (ESS, SE) |
WP3: | Maja Olvegard (UU, SE) |
WP4: | Piotr Cupial (AGH, PL) |
WP5: | Roumen Tsenov (UniSofia, BG) |
WP6: | Enrique Martinez-Fernandez (UAM, ES) |