- Project Coordinator: Marcos Dracos (CNRS, France)
- Scientific Leader: Tord Ekelof (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
- Technical Advisor: Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN, Switzerland)
This work package will also be in charge of carrying out or coordinating the activities related to all strategic objectives such as cost evaluation, safety considerations, communication activities, identification of organisational aspects for the construction project, and the building up of contacts with national, European and international administrations, decision-makers and funding agencies. WP1 will define at an early stage a list of parameters and protocols guiding all Work Packages (proton energy, pulse frequency and duration, achievable proton power, far detector size, safety aspects, etc.). This work will associate the members of the Management Team and those of the Executive Committee. The WP1 will benefit from advice from an International Advisory Panel and an ad hoc group of external experts. The results will be presented to the Governing Board for discussion and approval. The WP1 will coordinate the production of the CDR. It also will have in charge all administrative tasks.