- Coordinator: Enrique Martinez-Fernandez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Co-coordinator: Mattias Blennow (KTH, Sweden)
- Team members:
- George Fanourakis (NCSRD, Greece)
- Theo Geralis (NCSRD, Greece)
- George Stravopoulos (NCSRD, Greece)
- Asli Abdullahi (Durham University, United Kingdom)
- Sabya Chatterjee (Durham University, United Kingdom)
- Monojit Ghosh (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- Matheus Hostert (Durham University, United Kingdom)
- Mauro Mezzetto (INFN, Italy)
- Tommy Ohlsson (KTH Royal Institute, Sweden)
- Toshihiko Ota (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Silvia Pascoli (Durham University, United Kingdom)
- Salvador Rosauro (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Francesco Terranova (INFN, Italy)
This WP will use the ongoing information provided by all WPs to determine and maximise the physics reach of the neutrino facility, taking into account the information successively provided from the other WPs and from currently running experiments elsewhere as it becomes available. It will also compare the performance of this facility with those of other planned or proposed facilities. This WP will strongly be involved in the dissemination task, mainly by presenting and promoting the physics performance achieved by the Design Study to international conferences and workshops.