Year 2022
Year 2021
- · Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT 2021), Virtual Edition, 6-11 September 2021.
- ESSνSB Detector Performance. O. Zormpa
- 22nd Edition Particle and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 2021), Liston, Portugal, 5-10 September 2021.
- The ESS based neutrino Super Beam Experiment. T. Tolba.
- European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2021 (EPS-HEP 2021, virtual edition, 26-30 July 2021
- 28th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN 2021), Virtual Edition, 7-12 June 2021.
- Updated Physics Reach of the ESSνSB project. M. Ghosh.
- 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), virtual edition, 24-28 May 2021, Brazil
o 5MW Beam Power in the ESSνSB Accumulator: a way to manage foil stripping injectin at 14Hz linac pulse rate. H. Schönauer.
- ESSνSB Linac Transfer Line: Lattice Design and Error studies. N. Blakovic Kraljevic.
- The MultiMegaWatt Target Station for the European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam. E. Baussan;
- American Physics Society Conference (APS 2021), Virtual Event, 9-12 April 2021:
- Linac upgrade, Accumulator Ring and Target Station of the ESSνSB Project. Y. Zou, M. Olvegard, M. Eshraqi, E. Baussan, I. Efthymiopoulos, M. Dracos, T. Ekelof.
Year 2020
- 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2020), 28th July – 6 August 2020 (online):
- 29th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2020), on-line conference, 22 June – 2 July 2020.
- Status of the ESSnuSB Target Station, T. Tolba.
- The European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam Project. Poster number #6 in the session #3. T. Ota.
Year 2019
- Phystatnu International Workshop (PHYSTATNU 2019), 23-25 January 2019, Geneva, Switzerland,
- The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam. E. Baussan.
- XVIII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes 2019 (NEUTEL 2019), Venice, Italy 18-22 March 2019:
- European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam — Physics reach. T. Ota from the UAM node.
- INVISIBLES 19 Workshop, Valencia, Spain, 10-14 June 2019,
- European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam — Physics reach, T. Ota from the UAM node.
- 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN2019), 2nd– 8th June 2019, Bari, Italy
- 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2019), May 2019, Melbourne, Australia:
- Status of the ESSνSB Accumulator Design, Y. Zou.
- Status of ESS linac Upgrade studies for ESSνSB, B. Gålnander, M. Eshraqi, C. Martins, R. Miyamoto, A. Farricker and M. Collins.
- The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam Design Study, M. Dracos.
- Status of the Target Station, E. Bouquerel.
- The ESSνSB Target Station, E. Baussan and al.
- 29th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (LP2019), Toronto, Canada, 1st August 2019,
- Big Science Business Forum, 28th of March 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark, T. Ekelof.
Year 2018
- 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), Vancouver, BC, Canada; April 2018,
- Design Status of the Beam Switchyard for ESSνSB. E. Bouquerel.
- The ESSνSB Neutrino Oscillation Design Study, M.Dracos.
- XXVIII International conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (NEUTRINO 2018), 4-9 June 2018, Heidelberg, Germany:
- ESSνSB Roll-up presented at the International Conference for Research Infrastructure 2018, 12-14 September, Vienna, Austria. C. Carlile.