PAST EVENTS Elian Bouquerel21/12/2017 Baikal School, Near Irkoutsk, Russia, 12-19 July 2019. Marcos Dracos was invited to attend the event to explain the ESSnuSB project to students. ESSnuSB Popular Science Seminar “Big Bang, Antimatter and Neutrinos – Mission detector Garpenberg”, Hedemora (Sweden) 13 February 2019. EuroNuNet (COST ACTION 15139) WG meeting at CERN, February 2nd, 2018 ESSnuSB annual meeting in conjunction with EuroNuNet Management Committee, Strasbourg, France (7-9 November 2018) ESSnuSB kick-off meeting, Lund, Sweden (Jan.2018) Press Release for the ESSnuSB kick-off meeting (Jan. 2018) The ESSnuSB Grant Agreement has been signed (Nov. 2017) ESSnuSB Design Study approved by EU (Aug. 2017). Posted In PASTEVENTS